John Atkin
Since leaving the RCA in London, where Henry Moore personally funded John Atkin throughout his MA sculpture course, he has exhibited his work worldwide: e.g. the Guggenheim Museum in Italy, Museum of Modern Art Melbourne and New Orleans Museum of Art are three such examples of high-profile venues worldwide. Recent publications on Atkins’ public art output focus on references to cultural heritage within urban design.
In recent years, John Atkin has been invited to present keynote papers at a number of conferences worldwide including The 16th China Sculpture Forum. DIAOSU- National Sculpture Magazine of China, and also Sculpture by the Sea Symposium at the Art Gallery of NSW, Sydney, Australia. In addition the, Understanding the Post-Industrial City: Universidade Técnica de Lisboa Bauhaus - Universitat Weimar, Lisbon Portugal: International Sculpture Centre Conference, Pittsburgh USA: and most recently at the Future Academy Symposium, Curating in Action – Art as Social Practice, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China.
His contribution to these conferences and seminars embraces all aspects of cross-disciplinary practice within the sphere of re-shaping public space, within the history and culture of specific locales.
His studio practice continues to be the vital element in the development of his work that explores notions of human identity through abstract form, utilizing traditional and digital skills in the development of 2D and 3D artworks.
Atkin is also Reader in Fine Art at Loughborough University, where his Research is central to his teaching delivery. He has taught and delivered lectures at numerous institutions worldwide including Boston University USA: Tsinghua University, Beijing, China: Virginia Commonwealth University USA: Kansas City Art Institute, USA: Hartford University, CT. USA: Sydney College of the Arts, Australia: Victoria College Melbourne, Australia: The Curtin Institute, Perth, Australia.
In addition to being awarded Honorary Fellow, National Academy of Sculpture, Beijing, China, he is Fellow at the Royal Society of Sculptors, London.
Vanishing Point, Studio Sculptures and Wall Based Artworks, 2 Feb - 9 March 2019, Felix & Spear, London 2019. Download press release and online catalogue.